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Slider plug-in vers. 1.1

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Slider plug-in vers. 1.1

Horizontal Slider to insert hidden/visible text in articles and catergories description n

A simply accordion horizontal slider to insert hidden / visible text in articles and category description, easy to use. A simply css permits to customize the layout easily and quickly.
Create your slider, choose a title of you paragraph and insert text. That's all.


Command line:

<code>{ slider action=start }{ /slider }</code><div class=acc_slidertrigger><h5>INSERT_HERE_SLIDER_TITLE</h5></div><div class=acc_slidercontainer><div class=sliderblock><p>insert_here_your_text</p></div></div><code>{ slider action=end }{/slider}</code>

Copy and past the code with editor in HTML mode.

How to use it

Positioning the cursor in the editor text where you and use text in sliders, click over (elxis plug in)  ---> guided tour e choose the slider plugin and click over the comand line "click here to insert the code.
In the editor:
Replace INSERT_HERE_SLIDER_TITLE with the title of slider.
Replace insert_here_your_text with the text you want show in the slider.

Repeat the operation for every slider you want create.


This is the HTML code inserted automatically by plug-in between the two lines { slider action=start}{ /slider} ............ { slider action=end}{ /slider}. This HTML code is important to create end use the slider.

<div class="acc_slidertrigger">
<div class="acc_slidercontainer">
    <div class="sliderblock">

When you created your text and you want to be sure, u can check it in the html mode of editor.

Replace INSERT_HERE_SLIDER_TITLE with the title of slider.
Replace insert_here_your_text with the text you want show in the slider.

Editor screenshoot


Insert one group of sliders for article or page.
The plug-in, also if disabled, preserve the text and can be showed in modules as mod_article and mod_superarticles. Is recommended to use it in main text or if u use in the intro text, remember truncate the text (get a look at the parameters of these modules).

SLIDER plugin is Mobile and CSS/Jscript minifier compatible. (new in vers. 1.1)
You can download it in the EDC panel of Elxis 4 Nautilus or on elxis.net

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This is a custom module serving only demo purposes. In Elxis you can create custom user modules, having any content you wish, and display them in any template position or even automatically between the category's articles.

read all at http://www.elxisitalia.com

Mod. pos. user2

This is a custom module serving only demo purposes. In Elxis you can create custom user modules, having any content you wish, and display them in any template position or even automatically between the category's articles.

read all at http://www.elxisitalia.com

Mod. pos. user3

This is a custom module serving only demo purposes. In Elxis you can create custom user modules, having any content you wish, and display them in any template position or even automatically between the category's articles.

read all at http://www.elxisitalia.com

Mod. pos. user4

This is a custom module serving only demo purposes. In Elxis you can create custom user modules, having any content you wish, and display them in any template position or even automatically between the category's articles.

read all at http://www.elxisitalia.com

Mod. pos. bottom

This is a custom module serving only demo purposes. In Elxis you can create custom user modules, having any content you wish, and display them in any template position or even automatically between the category's articles.

read all at http://www.elxisitalia.com