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EI RSS Feed Module - Example Ticker

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EI RSS Feed - PlugIn for Elxis 4

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EI RSS Feed - PlugIn for Elxis 4

EI RSS Feed. Insert your prefered Feed from other site in your article

RSS FEED PlugIn for Elxis 4 Nautilus, is based on jQuery script by Zazar.
With this plug-ing, developed by elxisitalia.com, u can insert in your articles one or more RSS Feed from other site, so u can have news and more thay can be useful to your visitor, implementing in easy way your articles.

Easy to use, u can insert one or more external link, showing only Title, Title with a short description, title with full description with images if avaible in the feeds or media.
In administrator panle of plug-in u can set many parameter to optimizing the plug-in how you want. The comand to insert in the page is:

{ eirssfeed ID=X limit=X content=1 or 0 snippet=1 or 0 }http://link to your prefered RSS feed{ /eirssfeed }

ID: is an id of your link, It must be unique.
limit: max number of feed u want show in article
content: 1 to show the content of feed (title + content). 0 if u want show only title.
snippet: 1 if u want show the shot intro of content. 0 if u want show all content.

If limit, content and snippet are omitted in command line, the configuration parameters will be used.

EI RSS Feed is downloadable in the EDC panel of Elxis 4 Nautilus.

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Slider plug-in vers. 1.1
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Slider plug-in vers. 1.1

Mod. pos. user5

This is a custom module serving only demo purposes. In Elxis you can create custom user modules, having any content you wish, and display them in any template position or even automatically between the category's articles.

read all at http://www.elxisitalia.com

Mod. pos. user2

This is a custom module serving only demo purposes. In Elxis you can create custom user modules, having any content you wish, and display them in any template position or even automatically between the category's articles.

read all at http://www.elxisitalia.com

Mod. pos. user3

This is a custom module serving only demo purposes. In Elxis you can create custom user modules, having any content you wish, and display them in any template position or even automatically between the category's articles.

read all at http://www.elxisitalia.com

Mod. pos. user4

This is a custom module serving only demo purposes. In Elxis you can create custom user modules, having any content you wish, and display them in any template position or even automatically between the category's articles.

read all at http://www.elxisitalia.com

Mod. pos. bottom

This is a custom module serving only demo purposes. In Elxis you can create custom user modules, having any content you wish, and display them in any template position or even automatically between the category's articles.

read all at http://www.elxisitalia.com